Friday, August 14, 2009

on the catamaran

i arrived in monetgo bay, jamaica yesterday. i'm hoping to get some sun, sand, and silence. it's hard though, because Jarronn has been with me the last three times i've been here. and we always had such a good time here. one of our favorite things to do has been taking a catamaran tour. we've done it every year we've come.

i went out on the boat this morning. it was really a beautiful day. but it was tough. staring at the water reminded me of how we used to talk about its amazing color. (he took the photo of his foot in front of it so he could remember the color). we were here last year when Jarronn proposed. it's mind-boggling to see how much things can change in a year. i thought about the hobie cat we rode on during our honeymoon in st. lucia. we called it our mini-catamaran, and he considered himself a trained sailor. :-)

i cried on the boat today. but i also jumped off the side and swam with pretty blue and yellow fish. and i drove the boat -- something i wish i could brag about to Jarronn right now.


  1. i realized that even though he's my cousin, he was your husband. i came back from dc after the funeral, and somewhat fell back into my routine. but that's going to be so much harder for you. you have no idea how much i could carry this pain for you.

  2. ure so brave, there's no doubt that the Lord is on your side! i don't know if I would have been able to go out there like you did, on your own. I can't wait to read more!

  3. Your strength has allowed me and so many people to really evaluate life and love and really appreciate the people in our lives even if they are just friends. I love you Jess! Thanks for being who you are.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I admire your strength so much! As Liselle said, there is no question that you've got God. You're living proof of how strong God can make us. And congrats on driving the boat! That's amazing!! :)

  6. I just ran into you in Farrugut Square and had no idea what you're going through but I definitely want to commend you and encourage you :) God does not forget! Keep writing!!!

  7. keep writing this is amazing.
